On 28th June Jamesway Travel became the first major business supporter of the Friends Diamond Jubilee Appeal presenting an initial cheques £500 respectively. 

 Business owner, James Pak said "I have been personally aware of the wonderful job that St Cross does for over 40 years - ever since a close friend contracted Leukaemia and my mother started to work there as an auxiliary. Eight years ago staff in casualty saved my life when I turned up at their door feeling poorly and they diagnosed that I was having a major heart event. They gave me clot busting drugs and I am here today thanks to them. 

I am delighted to support the Friends Diamond Jubilee Appeal as they do fabulous work and I know are well regarded by many of our customers who I see when I use the Blood Taking Service."

In addition to Jamesway’s initial donation, James has donated a £100 travel voucher for The Friends Christmas Raffle and a further £500 travel voucher for the auction that is held during our annual Black Tie Dinner Dance to be held next year at a date that will be announced later in the year.