The Friends of St Cross received a significant donation from the organisers of the Heroes Ball.
The Heroes Ball was planned to be an event for the benefit of staff and volunteers at St Cross that was scheduled to take place at various times in 2021 and 2022. Unfortunately, this had to be postponed repeatedly as a result of surges in the pandemic. The organisers decided that the monies they had raised from the community, to fund the event, should be donated to The Friends specifically for the benefit of the staff and volunteers working at St Cross who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic.
The Friends asked the staff and volunteers how they would like the money to be spent!!!! The answer was for the teams to have a Christmas meal in the restaurant at the hospital.
The Friends Trustees decided to match the funds donated and offered vouchers for a lunch consisting of a Turkey Batch with all the trimmings followed by a Christmas pudding and a drink. Over 400 took up the offer!
Doug Jones Chair of the Friends said "Thanking staff and volunteers for what they do is always appreciated and very rewarding to do. Willy Goldschmidt, The Friends President, and I delivered 200 mugs branded "Thank you NHS" on one side and with the Friends Logo on the other around the Hospital for staff and volunteers to use on well-earned tea breaks.
We worked closely with our the catering team from ISS who developed the menu options. Thanks to them, and the Heroes Ball team for the financial support, we were able to collaboratively deliver a fantastic seasonal event enjoyed by all those that took up the offer".
Heroes Ball organisers Jo Wood and Gary Atkins presented a cheque to representatives of The Friends and the staff at The Hospital of St Cross.
Doug Jones, Chair of the Friends, presented logoed mugs to staff at the Hospital.