This article displays photos of the staff and management committee of the Voluntary Hospital of St Cross which were taken on the 6th of July 1948 - the day that the NHS came into being.
Copies of these photos are currently located in the offices at The Hospital of St Cross. The content of the photos and the names of many of the people photographed has been typed on the back of each photo and is set out below each photo. There is no record of who took the photos.
The Last Committee of Management of St Cross as a Voluntary Hospital (6.7.48)
Back row L-R
Dr J. A. Wakes Miller, Rev. Dr. L. G. Champion, Unknown, Mrd. G. V. Councillor Grimshaw, Mr Lovegrove, Mr W. H. Hodson.
Front Row L-R
Mrs Edmondson (wife of Dr Edmondson of Dunchurch), Miss D. Hodson, Mr H. F. Pitt (Hospital Secretary), Canon H. W. Baines, Mr N. Edyveam-Walker*, Mr H. F. Friend, Mrs Boswell, and Mr J. Raymond-Owen.
*Mr Norman Edyvean-Walker was the first President of The League of Friends of Rugby Hospitals.
Nursing staff when the National Health Service began 6.7.48 with Miss W. M. Baxter (Matron) Unfortunately no other names of the nurses are recorded on this photo.
Administartive staff at St Cross when it finished as a Voluntary Hospital 6.7.48
Back Row L-R
Miss Marjorie Clarke, Miss Claricoats, Miss Jessica Compton, Miss A. West, Miss Margaret Jones, Mrs M. Ambrose, Miss E. Fitzgerald, Miss Doris Wilkinson, Miss B. Jenkinson, Miss A. Gebbels,
Middle Row L-R
Mr G. Keightley, Mr Alan Hawley (Path Lab), Miss Pam Pleasance, Miss G. Walding, Miss N. Nelsey, Swedish student, Miss Sheila Ironside, 2 other Swedish students, Mr Hayward Cox,
Front Row L-R
Mr J. Hinchcliffe, Miss E. M. Ensor, Miss Pam Rose, Miss G. Satchell, Miss M. Allison (Hospital Pharmacist), Mr H. F. Pitt (Hospital Secretary), Miss M. Spencer (Almoner), Miss M. E. Larg, Miss E. Coppin, Miss G. Pickford and Mr John H. Howe (the sole path lab technician who lived in and vistrually ran the pathology department along with the part time Pathology Consultant Dr Rob Hill).