1934-35 the Nurses Home
In 1934 the Hospital of St. Cross had been caring for the sick for 50 years. What better way to commemorate this milestone than by providing proper accommodation for the nursing staff? It was decided to combine the laying of the foundation stone with the Jubilee celebrations which were to coincide with Empire Day, May 24, and the succeeding two days.
Plans were drawn up for the extension and were within the limit of £6,000 stipulated by the Board.
The building is now called Brookfield House and is used by various management teams.
The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Charles Collet, Mrs Arthur James, Alderman McKinnell, Mayor of Rugby
Matron, Miss Lucy Shaw, with the nursing staff, awaiting the arrival of the Lord Mayor of London, to lay the foundation stone to the Nurses Home extension in 1934.
The President, Mrs. Arthur James, was instrumental in getting the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Charles H. Collet, to lay the foundation stone on May 22.
The Marchioness of Northampton opening the Extension of the Nurses Home. Seated behind her L-R:- Mr CP Evers (Chairman of the Board of Management), Mr N Edyvean-Walker and Mrs Arthur James