New volunteers are always welcome to provide services in the hospital as well as working behind the scenes of the charity. An overview of current services is included in this Application Pack which can be downloaded and completed using MS Word.

A list of current vacancies is included in the full article. 

As at 3rd February 2025 there are vacancies in the following roles.

Role Number / description Role Number / Description
Ward Trolley / Tea Bar 10 Mealtime Companion 15
Patient Visiting 10 Meet & Greet (X-Ray) afternoons new service 4
Meet & Greet - other 4 Phlebotomy - 1 Volunteer +1 Service Co-ordinator 2
Hospital Admin (call ahead) 3 Administration - volunteer recruitment 1
Books 1 Bingo  1 Volunteer +1 Service Co-ordinator 3


Please note that

  • vacancies may arise in other services from time to time and will be advised during the recruitment / induction process
  • The Ward Admin service has been transformed into Hospital Admin following the introduction of the Electronic Patient Record in the Trust which has replaced paper records. The role definition for this service is being developed and will be published in due course.
  • Our recruitment process requires us to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This is required for volunteers working in the hospital or as a trustee of the Charity. 

To enable us to process your application swiftly, please email all of the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Your completed Application Pack together with
  • Scanned copies of the relevant 3 or 5 identity documents as specified in the DBS section of the Application Pack
  • A head and shoulder photo of yourself so that we can prepare an ID badge for you

In order to start filling in the form you should click on the "enable editing" button that may be displayed under the MS Word command menu ribbon.

What happens next?

On receipt of your application, we will take up your references and contact you to discuss next steps which will include booking you onto an Induction training session and conducting a risk assessment for your protection.

The services we offer and the current vacancies will be discussed at the Induction Sessions.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact  Karen Tomlinson, Kristine Davies or Willy Goldschmidt.

Contact details and roles

Karen Tomlinson, Senior Administration Officer, The Hospital of St Cross

Karen works with the UHCW Volunteers office - on the administration of applications and books new volunteers onto Induction sessions 

01788 663736

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Chelly Walsma

Voluntary Services Manager, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

024 76965147

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Doug Jones

Chair, The Friends of St Cross

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