At the 2022 AGM we celebrated over 500 years of service when a group of volunteers received long service awards having completed more than 10 years of service.
Elizabeth Burnett, Trustee of The Friends, said “In recognition of the fact that many of our volunteers have retired later than those recruited in earlier years, and so may choose to volunteer for a shorter period than their predecessors, the Board has decided to reduce the length of time to qualify for Long Service Awards from 15 years to 10 years.”
Elizabeth also said that “the Friends Board decided that Long Service Award badges should be given to all 90 – 35 of whom are still actively volunteering for the Charity and have themselves given over 500 years of service!” She then read out a list of 90 volunteers, many of whom had already received awards for 15 years of service, to the audience of over 60 volunteers and supporters of the Charity at the AGM.
During the proceedings of the AGM, the importance of the contribution made by volunteers at the Hospital of St Cross was recognised by Carolyn Watson-Merret, The Mayor of Rugby, Andy Hardy and Dame Stella Manzie, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust respectively, who all thanked The Friends volunteers for the difference they make to experience of patients and staff at the hospital.
Doug Jones. Chair of The Friends said “The various services provided by the Friends at St Cross are managed through a team of eight Service Co-ordinators leading the 150 plus volunteers who continue to deliver, week in week out with commitment, enthusiasm and good humour more hours of service than before the pandemic struck. To all our volunteers both new and long serving, I thank you for your service.”
Doug added “it is great that we have recently been able to re-open the Tea Bar in Out Patients at St Cross and that we are keen to recruit more volunteers from across the community in order to supplement the teams.
Photo by John Bolton – a group of long serving volunteers thanked by Andy Hardy, Dame Stella Manzie and Councillor Carolyn Watson-Merret, The Mayor of Rugby.