There are many ways in which volunteers can help with the running of the charity.
We have a number of teams and committees which are described in this section of our site - if you would like more information about these please contact the Secretary or Chairperson who can tell you more or put you in contact you with the relevant member of the charity.
The Trustee Board usually meets in the Boardroom at St Cross on the second Monday of the month between 2 p.m. and 4.30pm.
All Trustee Board members are Trustees of the charity and are requested to take on a specific role.
The Trustee Board sets our policies and considers all requests for equipment made by staff at St. Cross and the local Community and Mental Health Teams along with other matters on an ongoing basis.
Click this link to see who the current members of the Board are.
If you are interested in joining the Trustee Board or one of our sub-committees please
We have a small team that organises various social events throughout the year.
As you can tell from the photo they like to have fun!
They would love to hear from anyone who can offer their time to become involved.
In 2015 the programme included
- A visit to Rugby Theatre to see Hairspray
- Diamond Jubilee Black Tie Dinner and Dance
- Christmas Concert featuring the Warwick Diatonic Choir
The programme for 2015 is designed to attract a wide range of supporters - from flower arranging to a dinner dance and a day trip to the Black Country Museum!
Details will be published on the Fundraising Events page when they are available.
We would love to hear about other events that supporters have organised themselves or suggestions for us to organise!
A team of senior members of the Trustee Board meet at least twice a year to review the various documents which set out the Constitution, Governance documents and Policies which set out how the Charity functions. They review changes in legislation, regulation and recommended practice to sure that the Charity remains in step with these.
The Constitution can only be changed with the Approval of either the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Policies may be recommended or updated by appropriate Sub-Committees and are approved by the Trustee Board.
The Governance Review Team, together with the other Trustees, maintain oversight of operations so that the Board is assured that members of the Charity adhere to the provisions of the Governance arrangements.
This group reviews the Communications Strategy and Policies and has delegated authority for a small marketing / advertising budget which is used to maintain the profile of the Charity in the community. Any Member with relevant skills and experience is welcome to contribute to the work of this Sub-Committee which is chaired by a Trustee. If you are interested please
A member of the Trustee Board organises both the house-to-house collections and fund raising collections within the local community and at local venues throughout the town.
Volunteers once recruited are allocated an area to cover within the town or local villages and are called on from time to time to take part in collections in various stores around the town.
There are a great number of fundraising activities during the year. The Fundraising Co-ordination Committee plans a calendar of fundraising activities during the year and supports both the Fundraising Team and Collectors mentioned above as well as other events such as the Rotary Spring Fair and Rugby Festival of Culture. Details are published on the Forthcoming Events page as they are confirmed.
We are always happy to support the more energetic who are prepared to undertake sponsored activities like running for the Friends in 10km, half marathons and marathons or even abseil down buildings or sky diving - details of these opportunities are on the Sponsorship Opportunities page.
If you would like to volunteer to assist at one of our events or would like some support for an event you are planning then please get in touch by email to
To aid the work of the Trustee Board there is often a need to form a Sub Committee of Board members and other volunteers to discuss and organise specific events.
Meetings are arranged as necessary, notes taken and a report given to the Trustee Board at the next available meeting.
We like to take photos of fund raising events and any equipment we purchase or projects we undertake.
These are distributed to the local media, the In Touch magazine that is sent to all staff working at the University Coventry & Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust and our twice-yearly newsletter, which is sent to all volunteers and displayed on this and other web sites and our Facebook page.
Many of the photos on the website have been taken by members of Dunchurch Photographic Society other volunteer photographers are welcome to join the team.